Inspired by the Caribbean

The Inspired by the Caribbean website is unique in the way that it offers a personalised, human experience, compelling visitors to the site to engage with the company’s founding members. It provides an exquisite visual overview of Inspired by the Caribbean’s property listings. It is also easy to use with simple navigation, uncomplicated search functionality, and quick access to incredibly detailed property descriptions, real estate brochures and video presentations.


Inspired by the Caribbean



Inspired by the Caribbean real estate website case study

The Client

Inspired by the Caribbean is a full-service Real Estate agency offering homes for sale and holiday rental. Other services include property management, concierge, virtual tours, and connecting clients with industry specialists such as legal advisors to assist in the home buying process, Quantity Surveyors to oversee property builds, and even expert chefs for vacationers in private villas.

Inspired by the Caribbean residences
Inspired by the Caribbean properties
Inspired by the Caribbean

The Challenge

Inspired by the Caribbean wanted a complete solution with a custom website design integrated with the Qobrix CRM system. The website needed to reflect the passion and spirit of the agency’s founding members, both of whom have worked for two of the world’s leading real estate companies, Sotheby’s International Realty and Christie’s International Real Estate. It also needed to beautifully showcase Inspired by the Caribbean’s residential and holiday real estate portfolio as well as highlight the region’s exquisite natural landscape and ocean beauty.

Inspired by the Caribbean website design
Inspired by the Caribbean website design homepage
Inspired by the Caribbean website design homepage lower part

The Design

The focus was on creating an emotive user experience where visitors to the site feel compelled to engage with the Inspired by the Caribbean team. The visual aesthetic and choice of photographs was also critical, not only to promote Inspired by the Caribbean’s properties for sale and for rent more effectively, but also to ensure a more consistent, stylish look and feel across the entire website. Customer testimonials and a blog section also had to be made more visible, to add more value to the site by giving the audience information they’re searching for.

Rental Pricing Filter

Rental property prices are filtered to display per night, per month or per holiday season.

Inspired by the Caribbean - pricing filter
Inspired by the Caribbean - full width image gallery

Bold Image Slider

A larger image slider to amplify the visual aesthetic of the photographs on the site.

Our Solution

The Inspired by the Caribbean website was customised in a way that inspires potential homebuyers and/or tenants to connect with the company’s founders. Properties are published from the CRM directly to the website and include all essential property specifications in detail. Ease of use and quick, intuitive navigation were important and have been implemented across the site. Customer testimonials and the blog section have also been highlighted to offer visitors useful insights into Inspired by the Caribbean and Barbados itself.

Inspired by the Caribbean - property listing
Inspired by the Caribbean - property listing 2