Rothmore Property

The Rothmore Property website is unique in design while remaining true to their brand. With quick access to incredibly detailed property descriptions and media platforms, the user is guided through their exquisite property portfolio in an intuitive way serving to showcase their diverse properties, glowing reviews, and strong partnerships. Wishlist capabilities, advanced search functionalities, specific map locations and a mortgage calculator aim to further enhance the visitor experience.


Rothmore Property



Rothmore Property real estate website case study

The Client

Rothmore Property has made it their mission to guide their clients through every step of the buying process. Forging strong partnerships and consistently receiving excellent reviews, they consult with home buyers and focus on offering clients the top investment opportunities within the lucrative UK property market. With expert consultants and a wealth of experience, they only work with reputable developers, putting their global clientele first. Through their strong brand and established presence, they have consistently positioned themselves as leaders in the UK market.

Rothmore Property listing residences
Rothmore Property real estate offices
Rothmore Property rental listing

The Challenge

Rothmore’s vision was for us to design an intuitive website that reflects the charisma of their company. They were keen to focus on the spirit of their team, highlight their diverse partners and positive reviews, and ensure that their website was a gateway to their many media platforms. Furthermore, they required advanced CRM capabilities to highlight several projects in their portfolio as opposed to specific properties. A beautifully designed carousel of featured properties was requested to keep visitors engaged and on the site along with accurate location maps and a mortgage calculator to ensure users have access to detailed property information.

Rothmore property website design
Rothmore property website design
Rothmore Property website design

The Design

As industry leaders, Rothmore already had an established market identity so the focus was to capture the essence of their brand. The viewer is encouraged to zoom into the moving image on the homepage, click on the carousel of affiliated partners and watch video reviews making the website both intuitive and interactive. The design is unique in that the menu bar is highlighted on the side with contact and social media buttons in the corners. This allows for more space on the homepage to highlight their partner affiliations, showcase their featured properties, access their social media, and read their reviews. Beautifully shot images and a clean, symmetrical layout give the website a robust and contemporary feel.

User experience

Integration with Locrating plugin

Allow users to view the specific location and surrounding area to gain a better understanding of the property

Mortgage calculator

Allow users to access up-to-date financial information

Lead capturing forms

Integrated CRM with the website contact form to extract data shared by visitors on the site

Seamless Integrations

The blog features on the homepage along with YouTube, Google Reviews and Instagram to easily promote property listings to a wider audience, keeping viewers updated on the company’s activities and other real estate news.

Our Solution

Rothmore wanted to enhance their strong online presence with a perfect blend of contemporary design and advanced technology that truly cements their role as leaders in the property market. Advanced CRM capabilities are included to search for projects instead of individual property listings while the user has access to information like mortgage calculators and specific map locations. A powerful CRM system allows for seamless integration with media channels and customer testimonials that are highlighted on the homepage, along with beautiful photographs of featured projects making the Rothmore website a gorgeous testament to their outstanding achievements.

Rothmore Property website-property listing details
Rothmore Property new website-property listing