Real Estate Email Marketing ideas

A large majority of future home-buyers are looking to the internet to search for properties (80% according to some research). They’re scouring real estate websites to view galleries of their dream home, sniffing out prices and researching real estate agents to assist them in their purchase. Reaching these potential clients requires strong online marketing strategies, one of which is email marketing. There are multiple ways to formulate campaigns to target the customers you want, no matter where they are in their buying journey. In this blog, we’ll look at 3 Real Estate email marketing ideas that you can start with today.

1. Highlight your expertise with an email newsletter

People want to know that they’re engaging the services of someone who understands their needs and has the relevant expertise to address those needs. So pack your newsletter with helpful information that will be of value to your readers.
Include a variety of content that appeals to your different audiences. Make use of blogs, articles and videos that not only keeps your readers engaged, but makes them want to share what they’re consuming with their network of friends, family and colleagues. After all, word of mouth referral is one of the most powerful sources of credible reference.

Ensure you keep the email newsletter and the content therein short and to the point. Anything more than a quick read or a 2-3 minute video view is too long and interest will wane. And nobody says don’t try and sell to your readers, but keep it soft, don’t make selling the focus.

Lastly, make sure you have the permission to reach out by email. GDPR regulations have never been more stringent. That you abide by the rules is crucial.

Tip: Look to your real estate CRM system for information about leads and opportunities. Use the demographic data to establish the types of audiences you need to address and group them accordingly. In this way, you will be better informed to be able to create targeted email marketing campaigns.

2. Keep your prospects updated

Somebody looking to purchase a property may not necessarily be ready to buy. Visitors to your website may have signed up to receive notifications for new listings but these leads might still need nurturing. Others may have enquired after a particular property they saw on your site but then communication went quiet.

Reach out to these leads with a personalized email. Send them frequent updates on all new property listings and ask whether they’ve seen anything they like. Be sure to also include any other useful information that will help make their decision to buy a little bit easier.

Tip: Keep your real estate CRM system updated with the contact details of all leads for quick access to the people you want to reach out to. Segment those leads into relevant groups, depending on where they are in the sales pipeline, and customize your emails to meet the needs of those groups.

3. Stay in touch with customers that have already bought from you

As we’ve already mentioned herein, word of mouth referrals are some of the most impactful forms of marketing there is. And here are some stats to support this theory:

  • Nielsen report that 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than advertising.
  • Beyond friends and family, 88% of people trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from personal contacts.
  • And 74% of consumers identify word of mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decisions.

So how do you leverage the relationship you have with previous customers to get them to refer your business to their personal contacts?

By staying in touch through Email Marketing.

Tip: Your real estate CRM software is a goldmine, filled with the names of people who have purchased property through your organization. Pull a list of previous customers and send those people personalized emails that include useful post-purchase insights, be this how to maintain a garden, tips on redecorating your home, getting the most out of small space, etc. In this way, you are demonstrating that you still care about the needs of those to whom you have already sold, making them more inclined to want to share their experience with others.