Real Estate CRM Dashboards

Real Estate CRM dashboards are integral components of the software, providing essential business intelligence. If used properly, CRM dashboards offer users a visual representation of all key business metrics through the collation of real-time data from a variety of sources.

Qobrix Real Estate CRM dashboards can be customised to the needs of a real estate business, delivering a holistic view of operational workflows and procedures and sales and marketing activities. Each user of the software can tailor the dashboards to present data in any which way they prefer, be this pie charts or line graphs, funnel presentations and bar charts. They can also use the dashboards to generate specific reports highlighting whatever information they need, in real time. In this blog, we touch on 3 of the most important Qobrix CRM dashboards required by all real estate businesses.

Sales dashboards to manage your sales activities

You need a Real Estate CRM system that will help you better understand and manage your sales pipeline. This requires CRM software with Sales Dashboards that can be customised to generate key reports relating to all sales activities. With Qobrix Real Estate CRM software, you can generate multiple reports, based on real-time data, providing you with vital information such as:

      • status of all incoming leads
      • current opportunities
      • overdue opportunities
      • sales deals under negotiation or concluded
      • sales pipeline by individual or team
      • pending leads
      • most viewed properties
      • properties to be viewed
      • activities by sales people (calls to customers, visits to customers, daily or weekly CRM logins, customer retention efforts)

Access to this type of information at any given moment gives you the insights needed to adapt sales strategies quickly and easily, and monitor sales activities and outcomes more closely, thereby increasing lead conversion, boosting sales and improving customer relationships.

Finance dashboards for accurate forecasting

Understanding where your real estate enterprise is at in terms of revenue and profitability is crucial for forecasting, budgeting, and business continuity. This requires quick and simple access to real time data and reports pertinent to how your company is performing, so as to adapt decision-making processes and procedures.

The finance dashboards on the Qobrix Real Estate CRM allow you to generate key analytical reports including forecasted revenue (monthly, yearly, and quarterly); billing status (overdue amounts, paid amounts); key competitors; won opportunities; sales generated; ROI; and others based on your business specifications. These reports are easy to generate and can provide accurate insights to key stakeholders and investors at any moment.

Marketing dashboards for insights into campaigns

It is only by understanding how a marketing campaign is performing (and why) that you can make the necessary modifications to make it perform better. The Qobrix Real Estate CRM marketing dashboards offer insights into the status of all marketing campaigns, the volume of leads generated per campaign and where those leads come from (e.g. by country).

Schedule a free DEMO of Qobrix Real Estate CRM software and learn how it can help your real estate business elevate to the next level, from lead generation to well into the after-sales life cycle.