Update existing records in bulk

Following a very similar process to importing new records, you can use the import template to perform bulk updates to records as well.

Once the update file has been prepared (see our data preparation guide) and saved as CSV, updating DATA through the import function of Qobrix CRM is simple. You can access the import function of each module by going to:

<system domain> /<module>/import

For example: demo-import.eu.qobrix.com/properties/import

Or log into your Qobrix CRM and select “import” through the module view page

Qobrix Import view

Step 1: Choose the update import file and submit

Once selected the Import wizard will guide you through the process.

Qobrix import data -step1- file upload
Qobrix import data - file upload -csv

Step 2. Select “Update existing records”

The wizard will automatically match the template file column by name to Qobrix CRM Field names.

Qobrix import data -step2-import fields mapping

Those that are not matched could be manually mapped through a drop-down list containing ALL file column names.

Qobrix import data -step2-manual fields mapping

Choose the “Match record by” and press submit.

Qobrix data import - update exisisting records

There are two choices:

 ID: This is a reference to an External ID (normally of a Legacy system)

Property Unique ID: Is the unique ID automatically created within Qobrix once an property is entered. All System IDs can be extracted through the Export process (see separate guide).

Once the mapping is confirmed press submit (located at the bottom of the page).

Step 3. Import Status

The Wizard will show a complete status update of the importing process.

Qobrix import data -step3-import status

Refresh the page to give you an update of progress until the import is complete

Qobrix import data -step3-import status refresh

Through the action “eye” icon you can inspect the details of the import and analyse any failed import and the reasons why.

Qobrix import data -step3-failed imports
Qobrix import data -step4-import validation-errors

Step 4. Import Validation

Through the action “eye” icon you can inspect the items imported and validate the data is correct.

Qobrix import data -step4-import validation

You have successfully completed updating your existing records in Qobrix CRM.